Aerospace Lab of PENG for Leaders Of the World
Asst. Prof. Hao Peng, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FL

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Quiz for Student Applicants

The following questions help me understand your passion and ability for pursuing a PhD degree.

  • This survey is entirely optional.
  • You could finish partially.
  • Please send the questions and responses through email.
  • All the communications will be entirely confidential and just between you and me.

1. What is your greatest motivation for pursuing a higher degree? For example, you may want to develop a faculty career or work in NASA or SpaceX.

2. Briefly summarize your workflow of reference/document management. For example, how you search, skim, study, and organize scholarly papers. Emphasize what you are most proud of, such as your unique method of tracing back to old references. If this is yet to be your regular practice, please briefly share your thoughts.

3. Briefly explain your experience of code management. For example, if you use Git or SVN, a link to a repo history will help me understand your working style.

4. Briefly describe your understanding of time management.

5. Among all the courses you have taken so far, which is the one you got the most inspiration from and why?

6. Any novel research ideas based on my current research?

join-us/quiz.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/05 20:30 by hao